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Final Business Case

What it is

The Final Business Case (FBC) takes the chosen option through procurement, putting in place delivery plans and providing the final detailed costing.

The key steps of the FBC are to:


  • procure the solution
  • create a contract for the deal
  • ensure successful delivery

You must have written and signed off the Outline Business Case (OBC) before you start this phase.

What to write

  • The FBC adds more detail to the OBC.
  • The headings are the same. You need to revisit all the elements and update them with new information, if appropriate.
  • The only extra heading you need is in the management case where you need to provide details of your contingency plans.

What you should have at the end of the FBC phase

Your FBC is complete when you have a clear understanding of:

  • amendments to the strategic context and the case for change
  • the entire procurement process and service providers’ offers
  • how the selection of the preferred service provider was made
  • the financial implications of the proposed deal

You must also have a precise understanding of:

  • how the change will be managed
  • how the change will be implemented
  • how benefits will be realised
  • how risks will be managed
  • how the contract will be managed
  • how the change will be reviewed
  • what the contingency plans are in the event of service failure
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