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4. Help users succeed first time

People expect services to just work, and government services should be no exception.

It costs time and money to deal with mistakes that happen when services don’t work well. And making things more complicated than they need to be undermines trust in government.

You’ll be more confident if you test the end-to-end service in an environment identical to that of the live version, including on all common browsers and devices, using fake accounts and a representative sample of users.

How you do it

  • Usability testing
    Test frequently with real and potential users to understand if the service you’ve designed works in the way you expect
  • Test every part of the service
    Test how users will interact with all parts of the service, like online applications and letters
  • Use automated testing
    Use automated end-to-end testing to ensure systems work as expected as you continually improve the service

Links to detailed guidance:

Digital Scotland Service Standard

1. Understand users and their needs

2. Solve a whole problem for users

3. Design and deliver a joined up experience

4. Help users succeed first time

5. Make sure everyone can use the service

6. Have a multidisciplinary team

7. Iterate and improve frequently

8. Create a secure service which protects users’ privacy

9. Define what success looks like and publish performance data

10. Choose the right tools and technology 

11. Make new source code open

12. Use and contribute to shared digital practices, processes, components, standards, patterns and platforms

13. Operate a reliable service

14. Ensure sponsor acceptance



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